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Showing posts from March, 2012

48 Hours... And Ten Minutes

In some industries at the the last century 48 hours without an injury was probably pretty good. That seems like a fact, probably is a fact, but I have no idea if it is... But it probably is. That doesn't really matter though. The deal is Staci was gone for the weekend it is was a bachelor weekend for me and the kid... And we had an awesome time. Lots of park time, tricycle rides and some general boy stuff (doing things we shouldn't do). And then on Sunday night I called my sister to see if she'd want to Skype with MF... The call went like this;  "Do you want to Skype? Oh shit he just jumped off the couch and split his lip. Lots of blood. Call you back." Split lips always seem worse than they are... Lots of blood, little damage. So I got a cold pack on his lip and we were back in action... As I was getting him water he grabbed my phone from my pocket, ran to the couch and jumped off. Bam... Eye to the edge of our glass table. It was only 48 hours into ...

Dear Delta, I Will Never Fly On Your Airline Again: A Post About Loss

I've been MIA this week because last Friday my grandfather died... He was an awesome man .  I could write about him but that doesn't seem like the thing to do... Instead I'll write an open letter to Delta about my experience booking my flights to Cleveland... Because it was ridiculously horrible and is why I will never buy a ticket from them again. And that's the loss that this post is about. Dear Delta My recent trip started with some shuffling of frequent flyer miles so I could book my wife and child's tickets with reward miles. My ticket was going to be a bereavement fare. When booking a bereavement you have to do it on the phone so I called up your customer service line... I explained to the CS person that I wanted to book a bereavement fare for me and book my wife and two-year old's tickets with two different rewards miles accounts. My wife, son and I were going to have the same outbound flight times/days but return days would be different. ...

And The Sickness Didn't Get Me

I've been doing a series of posts sponsored by VapoRub the last few months (my faves are when MF mistakes the inner ear for noodles  and the story of when he became a teenage girl ). Each one dealt with the fact that little kids carry a sickness like nothing else... And I got it each time The Kid was sick. You hear about it all the time pre-kid... Parents talk of how crazy sick they get when their kid goes to school or daycare for the first time and brings home the most unnatural sicknesses ever. But it's hard to understand how bad it is. And this time, I think, I kicked it... Technically I still have a cough from the last time I was sick but it's diminished. I decided to go old school. Countless tablets of vitamin C and a ton of garlic have found their way into my life the last month in hope that it would stave off his next cold (or whatever that horribleness can be called). And it worked. I'm happy to say his nose was running like crazy... I touched probably se...

No Rinse, Just Repeat

I never understood the repeat button/option on a radio, mp3 player or such... To be totally sexist and ageist I always saw it as a thirteen year old girl thing... Perhaps that's just stereotyping people not really being sexist/ageist. I never used the button as a kid... In college on of my roommates actually had a rule against playing a song then repeating it right after it finished... It was really quite and ingenious rule and saved my sanity until I switched rooms and lived with a kid who just broke up with a girl so he needed to copy down the lyrics of some Depeche Mode song... This was before wiki-anything so playing and rewinding tape was the only way to get lyrics... I forget which song it was but I should remember as I was in the room when he was doing this... Whatever song it was it made me hate Depeche Mode... Also I should say that the guy with the no repeat rule actually broke it once... I could be wrong but I think it was There She...

Oh shit... It happened... He's me.

I've mentioned this before but my mom always talks about the time she knew I'd be a super independent person... It was when I was in a parking lot and she asked me to hold her hand. I grabbed my own and walked away saying "I hold my hand." Today I called my mom and asked her about how old I was... She guessed three. That means we're screwed. At just over two years old MF pulled this one on my tonight. Same scenario... I reached out for his hand and he walked off saying "I'm holding my hands." I'd guess that every kid says this but I haven't heard of any others doing it... My sister didn't, probably because she wasn't as smart as me... Or maybe because she was thinking of the probability that she'd be hit by a car... Which is actually quite low (I'd guess) so that gets into the not as smart as me territory... Not to say she's not smart, she's a Statistics and Analytical (and other) Math professor... She's just...

Call for First Gen Dads

I've gotten some good feedback from my First Gen Dads posts and I wanted to let everyone know that I'd love others to participate. While I work on a mission statement for it here's a short summary. The idea came to me after I realized that it's kind of hard figuring out the does and don'ts of fatherhood when you didn't have a dad around to see in action. I chatted with some other First Gen Dads who felt the same way so I decided to do the feature. Usually when you hear about dads who grew up without a dad you her bad things... But I wanted to celebrate these dads. So if you want to participate it's pretty simple. Answer a few questions and fill out a short QA. Check the other posts for that info. You don't need to be a blogger to participate... Everyone is welcome and that's what can make this cool. So if you're interested email me . And if you haven't seen the original posts check mine here and Don's here .

That Time MF Was Wearing The Same Pajamas As The Kid On CSI

When I saw Cloverfield I was kind of psyched when I noticed one of the characters was wearing a shirt I owned... I'm sure it happens a lot but in this case it was this grey Gap tee that had a purple 7 on it and it was about 5 years old... So my guess was that it was hiding in some stylists closet for years... Two nights ago I was watching CSI and there was a kid who was abducted... The kid had on a pair of green dump truck PJs from Gap... They were the same ones that MF was wearing... It was kind of odd for a moment... Not as cool as when I saw my shirt on the big screen. I'm a bit of a CSI, Criminal Minds and Law & Order SVU junky. And for so long I wasn't really watching TV so I had to catch up. I caught the season of SVU that I missed and I realized something... I see the show totally differently now that I have a kid. Basically I want to kill anyone who even looks at MF... One day after watching a few episodes of SVU while the kid slept we headed to the book...