Late winter I started looking for a good way to get Miloh on my bike for some riding. You all know the basic choices out there basically trailers and bike seats. I'm not a fan of the bike seats that go in the back because I have an irrational fear that Miloh would fall out and I wouldn't know. Actually knowing Miloh it's not so irrational. He's too smart for his own good and he's able to Houdini his way out of most anything. I'm also not a fan of the trailers. I'm sure they are perfectly safe but there's still that irrational fear and I think they're not easily visible. I almost hit one in a parking lot once because it didn't have a tall flag on it. I just couldn't see it and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Back when Miloh was only known as MF and not Miloh, because we didn't know what gender he was, I found a cool trailer that's actually a side car. I love this but it costs over $500 and that's not super fun. Also I...
started as a pre-daddy blog and morphed into a daddy blog