This is another post in my VapoDad series since the good folks at VapoRub are shooting me a bit of cash to write whatever I want. I don't normally take showers at 11:40 PM but had you broken into my house a few weeks back that's where you would have found me. I used to shower late at night actually, doing stuff in the morning was unheard of pre-kid. Some people thought it was gross to take showers at night but I don't really buy that... But that's not why I switched... It's because the whole thing where MF wakes up if I even step to loudly in the middle of the night. A shower would asure a kid waking. And while I'm sure you're incredibly interested in my showering habits that's not what this post is about. It was a couple weeks back when MF spewed a bit while being put to sleep. Stomach flu was going around his class and he wanted to keep up with everyone so he of course caught it. After some clean up he moved to our bed and went to sleep. ...
started as a pre-daddy blog and morphed into a daddy blog