I'm a fan of Halloween...I had so much fun trick-or-treating as a kid so I loved the idea of kids coming to our place and trick-or-treating. I looked forward to kids ringing the door bell in their cool costumes and me handing candy out. Unfortunately when we lived in Chicago we didn't live in a neighborhood that kids came around to. But when we moved away...to some burbs...I was crazy excited about trick-or-treating. The first year I bought the best candy, because I don't want to be one of those houses known for the bad stuff. I got a lot of candy because I didn't want any chance of running out. This is where you probably think I'm going to say no one came...but they did. Sure maybe it was only about 20 door bell rings but it was something. Since then traffic has gone to shit...but it started good...and that's not what this post is about. Here's how that first night went down. Door bell rings...I get it. Then I realize I had to interact with kids...
started as a pre-daddy blog and morphed into a daddy blog