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Touching pee: a post about cloth diapers.

Someone last week asked if I was going to do a cloth diaper report. I think this will be a two-part report because Staci can give the facts on them because she learned a lot by chatting with the folks at Bum Genius. So this one will be about how I feel about cloth diapers.

Looking back it seems like we started cloth diapers when Miloh was 4 months old. Before little dude was born (and he was just referred to as MF) we had 2 kinds of diapers, Bum Genius and Fuzzi Bunz. They were all one size fits all.

Here's the deal with one size fits's a lie.

Even when we put all the adjustable things to the smallest size they were too big for his tiny lil butt. And even if we did somehow get them to stay on (staples or duct tape) they would have been so bulky that he wouldn't be able to wear any clothes...and he was born in the winter so that wasn't an option.

We didn't really want to throw down the cash for the small size diapers because it was more temporary so we waited...and we filled up the land fills with Earth's Best diapers...they are the Earth's best so no one can really judge.

Then we finally made the switch to cloth. We started with the one small Bum Genius we had and a Real Nappies that was given to us. They worked well but we had him going hybrid (cloth and disposable) until he fit the regular Bum Genius diapers. They worked the best for his size at the time.

I really think Miloh was happier in them...they are after all much softer. If I wore diapers I don't think I'd pick some papery kind that has some weird gel stuff inside.

What I realized right of is I would be touching a lot of pee. A lot of pee. I'm not really sure how much pee I've touched but it has been a lot of pee. I mean if you were to somehow bottle the amount I guess it would look small because it's a surface area thing vs. a volume thing...but surface area wise there has been a lot of pee touched.

That's because the kinds we have consist of the cover with the diaper/towel thing in need to pull that out to wash it.

You'd think I'd be talking about all the poo we've touched but I think it's been minimal...there have been a couple incidents but nothing horrible (which I hate to admit because it's been established that Miloh reads this and tries to prove me wrong.)

Actually the other day Staci and I were talking about how disposable seem to be messier than cloth...not to get graphic but Miloh's had poo going up his back lately with disposable...never happened with cloth. I think because they are bigger and more absorbent. Isn't that some awesome conversation to have with your husband or wife? Yeah that's awesome.

Which brings me to why Miloh has been in disposables lately. He had some kind of first we were told it was heat rash...then we were told it was yeast.

Now if Miloh reads this in his teen years he will be mortified that I was talking about how he had a yeast infection or let's call it jock itch...sounds more masculine.

And let me go off on another tangent for a second...I never see jock itch or athlete's foot commercials on TV anymore. Do they not run them? Maybe it's because I don't watch as much sports as I did as a kid. But I did watch The Baseball Bunch...could they have had athlete's foot commercials on that?

Back to Miloh's jock itch (it's really yeast.) We took him off of cloth not because the cloth per se, but because we had to use Desitin and such and that can get into the cloth and make it less wicky, wick-ish, Wiccan...or whatever.

In conclusion (bringing back my 4th grade writing skills with those first couple words in my concluding paragraph) I'm pro cloth diapers. They are easier than you'd think to use. Pretty easy to wash (thanks to Sears f-ing up delivery of our washer/dryer 3 times and upgrading us to their best models) and a hell of a lot cheaper in the long run. Plus they are better for the environment.

Oh...and now we're using Bum Genius and Fuzzi Bunz. Staci prefers the Bum Genius because she likes the fit better. I don't like the velcro on them...get's less velcro-y, velcro-ish, and they have a long inner diaper that we unsnap before washing...that's where a lot of the pee touching comes in. I like the Fuzz Bunz because they are crazy soft. I also like the snaps and how the size can be customized easier.

There you go...a total stream of conscious post on cloth diapers with a lot of tangents...

Ladies and gentlemen...Johnny Bench, the San Diego Chicken and what has to be the longest closing theme ever...


  1. I've read that just plain yogourt works as a cream for yeast problems (and doesn't affect the cloth diapers). I'm no expert by any means, but it might be worth reading up on if you want to ditch the disposables and go for a more natural solution!

  2. New here, but thought I'd pass along cloth diaper advice. Wash all your cloth diapers in super hot water & a little bit of tea tree oil in one of the rinse cycles before you start using them. Otherwise the yeast can live in the cloth & cause the infection to come back over & over again. Learned from two babies in cloth over the past three years. :)


  3. use a litle women's external yeast cream on his bum. Clear it up in 2-3 days and it doesn't stain. Also it's all antiinflamitory and is made to treat yeast infections....

  4. I agree about the one-size not really fitting when they are little. We used infant-sized prefolds w/ covers until he was big enough.

    Also, since my son is eating solids (which means much messier poop) we are doing a pre-wash (no soap) first to get all the extra stuff off before we pull out the inserts. About 85% of the inserts come out on their own during the pre-wash though.

  5. Thanks for the "report"! I was the one who mentioned it last week (and guess I could have put my name). We are finally making the full time switch for our 4 month old and I am always glad to hear what's working for parents that use them!
    Looking forward to Staci's post :)

  6. Like the folks above said, you have to treat the yeast AND wash the diapers really well or it will keep coming back. If you object to putting Monistat on your son, the Lotromin used for athlete's foot works too.

    Or you can go the hippie route and track down a bottle of gentian violet. It will stain everything purple (use disposable) but it's magic against yeast.

  7. I gather you're all sorted, and don't need any advice on diapers, but if you find yourself in need of replacements at any stage (all my bumgenius have lost elasticity in the legs after about 18 months of use) then gdiapers are super excellent! The best, infact. And I don't work for the company.

  8. Hi Kenny, thanks for visiting my blog. I'm a regular follower of yours.

    Though as a disposable nappy user (well not me, but my son) I cannot relate to cloth, I totally get ya on the awesomeness of having pipi caca conversations with your other half. Wicked stuff!

  9. thanks all...I think we finally figured out the yeast thing. and we washed the hell out of the cloth so we're switching back to that soon...

  10. Like the folks above said, you have to treat the yeast AND wash the diapers really well or it will keep coming back. If you object to putting Monistat on your son, the Lotromin used for athlete's foot works too.

    Or you can go the hippie route and track down a bottle of gentian violet. It will stain everything purple (use disposable) but it's magic against yeast.

  11. I gather you're all sorted, and don't need any advice on diapers, but if you find yourself in need of replacements at any stage (all my bumgenius have lost elasticity in the legs after about 18 months of use) then gdiapers are super excellent! The best, infact. And I don't work for the company.


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