So this went up early but it is Thursday in New Zealand and Australia and I have some great readers there so this one's for you. Well I was going to do a wrap up of the baby room but we just watched The Happiest Baby on the Block DVD and I decided the room can wait because the DVD had some great info. We heard about Harvey Karp, a pediatrician from Santa Monica, and his Happiest Baby philosophy from a bunch of friends who said it completely changed the way they calm their babies. He starts off talking about the idea that since babies (the human kind) are born much less developed than other mammals the 1st three months of life are really considered a 4th trimester. Then he speaks about the calming reflex which is when a baby instantly relaxes upon receiving cues similar to what is experienced in the womb. To get those cues of the womb he suggests the 5 S's: Swaddling – recreates confinement in the womb...he shows you a simple fast way to do it. Side/stomach position ...
started as a pre-daddy blog and morphed into a daddy blog